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Barton Arboretum and Nature Preserve

of Medford Leas

April 2, 2021 – Forsythia

As you are out and about over the next weeks, you are sure to see and enjoy groups of forsythia, as this shrub welcomes spring with its colorful yellow blooms. The graceful, arching branches are graceful and showy. This fast-growing, hardy shrub blooms early, providing a sunny sight before the rest of the landscape greens up.

It is also a signal to begin pruning your roses-a great reminder for when to prune these shrubs in your garden. Forsythia make an excellent choice for those wanting a fast-growing flowering hedge. For best results, plant forsythia 4-6 feet apart when creating your hedge. The forsythia by the Community Building is an early bloomer as it is protected in the atrium.
