September 10, 2017 – Medford Leas Flower Show

Happenings at Medford Leas

[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″][su_spacer size=”10″]Explore floral interpretation of “happenings” with the Medford Leas Community. This long-standing flower show and horticultural exhibit is just one of many traditions that take place in our community. Residents and staff are encouraged to participate in the show. Registration is Thursday September 14 from 8:00 AM to 9:45 AM in the Holly Room. The show will be open for all to enjoy on the 14th from 1:30 to 8:00 PM, and on Friday September 15 from 8:00 AM to 12:00 noon. Come out and display your best offerings of the season and enjoy the exhibits of residents and staff.
[/su_column] [su_column size=”1/2″] Flowershow table with visitors[/su_column][/su_row][su_row][su_column size=”1/2″]Flower show: display table[/su_column][su_column size=”1/2″]FlowerArrangements-Sunflowers and cattails[/su_column][/su_row]