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Barton Arboretum and Nature Preserve

of Medford Leas

October 4, 2019 – Champion Trees

Seven Sons Tree at Medford Leas
Seven Sons Tree Heptacodium miconioides

Exciting News!

The Barton Arboretum and Nature Preserve of Medford Leas is proud to announce that four trees located on the Medford Campus have been designated as Champion Trees in the Big Tree Registry developed by the NJ Forestry Service.

Ken Hutz, our Arborist, submitted the application for the American Holly (Ilex opaca) tree that is located at the entrance to the Community Building Parking Lot. When the state representative arrived on Campus, he measured the Holly, toured the Campus and found other trees that are of note…

Incense Cedar at Medford Leas
Incense Cedar Calocedrus decurrens

While the Holly is listed as #2 in the State, four trees on the Campus are listed as #1 in their category:

Japanese Maple Acer palmatum in Court 7;
Seven Sons Tree Heptacodium miconioides in Court 20;
Incense Cedar Calocedrus decurrens and
Arizona Cyprus Cupressus arizonica, both in the Pinetum.

We thank Ken for his initiative to move this process along, as well Lew Barton and Paul Meyer, formerly of the Morris Arboretum, who tirelessly searched for unusual trees as they developed the Arboretum.

Japanese Maple at Medford Leas
Japanese Maple Acer palmatum
Arizona Cypress at Medford Leas
Arizona Cypress Cupressus arizonica
American Holly at Medford Leas
American Holly Ilex opaca