Lumberton Meadow Wildflowers of the Week 2018
Photos by Robert Koch

October 19, 2018 — Small White Aster
The wildflower of the week is the Small White Aster, Aster virmineus. It can be seen all along the edges of the drainage ditch in the upper meadow at Lumberton Leas. No guarantee on the butterflies but they are Common Checkered-Skipper, Pyrgus communis, and Common Buckeye, Junonia coenia.

October 7, 2018 – Joe Pye Weed
The wildflower of the week is Joe-Pye-Weed (Eutrochium sp.). While it is very common along our roadsides in moist areas, we have found only a single plant in our meadow. It can be seen at Lumberton Meadow (although well past its prime) along the grassy edge mid-way up the upper meadow on the starboard side as you travel towards the

October 1, 2018 – Stiff Goldenrod
The wildflower of the week is Stiff Goldenrod, Solidago rigida. You can see it if you walk along the drainage ditch of the upper meadow, along with several other goldenrod species.

September 25, 2018 – Great Blue Lobelia
The wildflower of the week is Great Blue Lobelia (Lobelia siphilitica). This flower can be seen at the upper end of the Lumberton upper meadow in the area where the crossing and edge paved paths meet.

September 16, 2018 – New England Aster
The wildflower of the week is the New England Aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae). It is in bloom along the drainage ditch of the upper meadow and along the paved path at the upper end of the upper meadow.

September 12, 2018 – Pink Turtlehead
The wildflower of the week is the Pink Turtle Head (Chelone lyonil). It can be seen along the path at the head of the upper meadow at Lumberton.