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Barton Arboretum and Nature Preserve

of Medford Leas

May 9, 2019 – Buckeye

Buckeye tree
Buckeye tree

The Buckeyes are in bloom! The genus, Aesculus, buckeye, includes seventeen species of trees and shrubs native to Europe, North America and Asia. They are called Buckeyes because their characteristic shiny, dark brown nuts, each with a pale spot, reminded early settlers of deer’s eyes. In addition to the nuts, right now the trees feature beautiful clusters of flowers at the crown of the trees. These trees are fast growers, growing up to 12-24″ each year. You can find these trees easily on the Medford Campus as you travel through the covered walkway from Court 10 to Court 6, and between Courts 4 and 5. Also, just last month a buckeye was planted on the Lumberton Campus near 121 Woodside Drive.