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Barton Arboretum and Nature Preserve

of Medford Leas

May 13, 2018 – Horsechestnut Trees

If you are looking for an attention-grabbing specimen tree, take a look at the horsechestnut trees. These trees feature beautiful clusters of white or red flowers in early May. In addition to the beauty of the blooms, the tree also provides great shade in the summer. This quick-growing tree has a growth habit of 13-24″ each year, and will grow to a mature height of 50-75′. Though native to the mountainous wilds of Greece and Albania, you can find mature specimens of these trees on the Medford Campus as you travel through the covered walkway from Court 10 to Court 6. Also, as you traverse from Court 5 to Court 4, you will note two horsechestnuts in a less mature state — but keep your eye on them — they are growing quickly.

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