If you are looking for an early blooming tree, look no further than the Medford Campus community Building parking lot, where you will find Cornus officinalis. This tree is a species of dogwood, also known as Japanese cornel. Currently, the yellow bloom is set for all to enjoy. While not as vibrant a color as forsythia, the tree has the benefit of being an early bloomer. This shrub, or small tree, can grow to a mature height of 20-30 feet. A native of the woodland regions of East Asia, from China to Korea, the fruit of this tree has been used for over 2000 years as a component of Chinese herbal medicine, primarily for diseases of the kidneys, and/or the reproductive system.
![Cornel in bloom](https://bartonarboretum.org/bartarb/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/CornusOfficinalis1.jpg)
![Cornel flowers](https://bartonarboretum.org/bartarb/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/CornusOfficinalis2.jpg)