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Barton Arboretum and Nature Preserve

of Medford Leas

February 12, 2021 – Out and About, Preview


Can you believe that this April would be our Eleventh Annual Evening in the Arboretum? Also this year, we will celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Barton Arboretum and Nature Preserve.

Of course, due to the pandemic, our celebration will be vastly different, but we clearly believe that the Arboretum has been even more important than ever before to residents and staff in this past year. The grounds have offered respite for all of us to get out and enjoy nature in all its beauty and serenity.

How fortunate that our founders and early leaders set the stage for us to continue to enjoy and develop this wonderful aspect of our community.

The Evening in the Arboretum Committee, composed of residents and staff, is hard at work to finalize details for this celebratory opportunity and of course dining delectable for all to enjoy on the Evening of April 24.

More details to follow as we get closer, but for now, please save the date, Saturday, April 24, as a time for all residents to celebrate in a socially distanced manner outside of their homes. For safety reasons, we will not gather as we have in years before in the Atrium, but rather collectively celebrate outside throughout the two Campuses.

Also a special Al Fresco Shop on Friday April 23 and Saturday, April 24, is being organized by a group of residents. There will be many opportunities to enjoy and purchase Arboretum themed items, including some live plants.

So, for now, mark your calendar for Saturday, April 24 at 6:00 PM to go outside your home on your patio, or terrace and toast the Arboretum– all within safety guidelines.

Looking forward to spring and all that it brings to us!