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Nature Center Library


Nature Center

The Nature Library serves as the meeting room for the Woodlands Trails Group, the Geographic Information Systems Group, and Burlington County Master Gardeners.

The Nature Center Greenhouse is used primarily by staff, and also by residents of Rushmore and Bridlington to store their outdoor plants in the winter, just as the Haddon Greenhouse is used by residents of the Courts.

Nature Library

The Nature Center Library has a wealth of reference and how-to information for the amateur naturalist in books, video tapes, DVDs, pamphlets, etc. It focuses on New Jersey and the Pine Barrens. Books about gardens and arboreta in the Delaware Valley Region and around the world are in a Browsing Collection for use in the library. Books in the Circulating Collection may be signed out by residents. The library is usually staffed on Monday mornings; otherwise, staff is available by appointment or by chance. For specific additional “how-to” or reference information, an e-mail request should be made to

In the spring of 2013, the library received a collection of 70 books, many in areas, such as birding and guidebooks, where the current collection needed strengthening.

Nature Center Greenhouse

text from Debbie Lux


Photo credits: Banner – painting by Marcia Steinbock; John Caughey – Steve Denham